Utility coordination and design is essential for the success of any project.
We create all our designs in 3D models which incorporate the site and utility design. This design approach combined with our complete design philosophy has proven to be invaluable for the fast track construction of our projects. These models are constantly updated and used directly by the contractor for accurate construction. SK Design was one of the pioneers of 3D design in the industry, we started working with 3D when the technology was in its infancy. We have mastered this innovative tool and utilize it to minimize conflicts during construction.
Our Scope of Services
We coordinate our design with all affected utility companies and assign precise horizontal and vertical geometry for all utility relocations to avoid conflicts and schedule delays during construction.
For the Bannister Road widening and Hillcrest Road reconstruction, we coordinated the relocation of gas, water, power, and duct banks for six telecom companies. This $15.5M roadway project was completed in less than 6 months with no utility conflicts.