On Friday, we traded the sound of typing for that of staple guns and saws by volunteering with Habitat KC at two of their ongoing construction sites. We divided and conquered, tackling tasks such as installing plywood underlayment, building a porch guardrail, bird boxes for the roof overhang, and blocking in walls and ceilings. It was rewarding to use our time and labor towards changing someone’s future.

Habitat for Humanity is a global nonprofit housing organization working in local communities across all 50 states in the U.S. and in approximately 70 countries. Habitat’s vision is of a world where everyone has a decent place to live. They empower our communities by providing safe, decent, and affordable homes as well as the coaching and education necessary to purchase a home with a mortgage. Habitat also offers home repair services to eligible homeowners to help them maintain their homes. With donations and volunteers, they’ve impacted the lives of countless families around the world. Click HERE to learn more about Habitat and how you can get plugged in to help!